How to autostart your app if it needs keyboard access, protect it against malicious Ctrl-wielding users, and shut the system down properly without locking yourself out forever!
Category Archives: Tutorials
Introduction To The Arduino Serial Plotter
Version 1.6.6 of the Arduino IDE is upon us, and with it – among other novelties – is the Serial Plotter, a basic graphing utility for visualizing data, debugging and show-off. What is it, and how to use it? Here’s a little guide…

Getting an ATtiny85 to Transmit Over Serial
How Arduino’s Serial transmissions are constructed, and a basic demonstration of the ATtiny85 sending Serial-like messages using an internal timer and some basic bit manipulation.

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595 Continued: A More Advanced Example
I finished the 595 Beginner’s Guide with a fairly simple example project. As a supplement, here’s another project, based on the same setup but just a little bit more complex, where we manipulate another input pin on the IC – and by doing that, control the output LED brightness!

Programming AVR Microcontrollers With Linux (The Relatively Easy Way)
After playing with the Arduino for a certain period, you may feel an urge to move forward to stand-alone microcontrollers. The official way to program AVR MCUs is with the Atmel Studio IDE and an Atmel programmer/debugger, such as Atmel-ICE. But Atmel Studio is only for Windows, and the programmers are pretty expensive. Here’s an alternative.

Continue reading Programming AVR Microcontrollers With Linux (The Relatively Easy Way)