Do you use your Raspberry Pi (or any other single-board computer) as a Linux desktop? How would you like to be able to program graphic applications for it, quickly and easily, using a modern IDE? Forget Python and makeshift “solutions”, it’s time for the real thing!
I have always been fascinated by computer graphics, in all its aspects – including 3D. Unfortunately, decent 3D software was always way too expensive for a hobbyist like me, or too complicated and inconvenientĀ (did someone say POV-Ray?)
Programming the Arduino, you’ll soon find yourself surrounded by strange data-type names, such as int, char, byte, long long, uint32_t and other oddities. What do they mean? Why are there some many of them? Which ones should you use? Let’s find out!
One of the benefits of playing with electronics and Making is that with time, you can start fixing gadgets around the house. I’m not talking about home appliances – these could really harm you if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing – but there are plenty of other opportunities. Take, for instance, this Remote ControlledĀ Beetle toy: