In my long life I have tried, or at least considered, many kinds of tool organizing methods and setups. None was satisfactory. So I came up with an organizer of my own design, which I hereby present to the world.

In my long life I have tried, or at least considered, many kinds of tool organizing methods and setups. None was satisfactory. So I came up with an organizer of my own design, which I hereby present to the world.
Utilizing only the cheap components required for regular sensor functionality, this ATtiny212-based design adds two-way wireless communication for tweaking and reporting of its own parameters. Here’s how it came to be.
What do you do with a pile of ICs worth thousands of dollars on paper, but which no one needs anymore?
When you program simple microcontrollers as if they were fancy computers, which can do crazy computational stuff like multiplication, you are in for some surprises. Here’s one of those surprises, plus a solution.
Auto on/off, responsive, power-saving, and you get to select the threshold and to decide the exact nature of the feedback: Here’s how I built a convenient continuity tester from simple components and a cheap 8-pin PIC microcontroller.
Continue reading A PIC-based home-made Continuity TesterIt is not every day that one encounters a question left unanswered by Google, especially when it’s very specific and related to programming. So, to ruin this one for everyone else, here’s my solution to a cute little coding riddle from a classic old game.
The auto-off function of most powerbanks is a pain in the neck for makers, who want to use these devices as power sources for systems with low current demands. Here’s how I overcame the problem with one of my old powerbanks.
How to autostart your app if it needs keyboard access, protect it against malicious Ctrl-wielding users, and shut the system down properly without locking yourself out forever!
Many makers are fond of Nextion displays, because they simplify the process of creating graphical touch interfaces for embedded systems, and are less expensive than other HMI (Human-Machine Interface) screens. They were not designed for games, so I decided I had to write one as a challenge!
Continue reading Programming Pong on a Standalone Nextion Display